- Message come yet?
- No word, Jerry.
- Take a bow.
- I can't. I gotta get out.
- Watch that border!
- I gotta find out what's happening.
Oh, for heaven's sake, Jerry.
Take up number three.
You're on. Go ahead. Lights up.
- Bye, Sally.
- You can't run through the streets in that.
- They'll put you in jail.
- They'll have to catch me.
- Don't forget, you're on again at 4:15.
- Don't worry, I'll be back.
- These things take hours sometimes.
- My wife never held up a show in her life.
- Can I get through here?
- The Irish are up in the head of the parade.
- I'm not in the parade. I wanna get through.
- Not a chance, brother.
You don't say!
We'll get you there in a jiffy.
Here, this'll give you courage.