How about a nice, short Irish name?
Dennis or Michael.
George Michael Cohan.
Yes, I like that name.
Gosh, I forgot.
Hey! It's a boy!
Oh, Jerry.
Heavenly day, Nellie,
he's crying with a brogue.
The first thing I ever had in my fist
was the American flag.
I hitched my wagon to 38 stars
and 13 stripes.
I was 6 or 7 before I realized they weren't
celebrating my birthday on the 4th of July.
Then my folks had a real break when
my little sister, Josie, made her entrance.
She grew to love show business
just as she loved everybody and everything.
We toured the kerosene circuit on a show
called Daniel Boone on the Trail.
Everybody doubled in brass.
Dad walloped the bass drum.
They teamed me with a donkey.
I was a good Democrat even in those days.
Mother and Josie threw out handbills.
Their smiles would've sold tickets
to wooden Indians.
They kept putting new stars in the flag, and
the Cohans kept rushing out to meet them.
We had jokes to match every cornfield.
We sang at every milk station.