Yankee Doodle Dandy

Ten consecutive weeks in New York.
That's the big time.

When you leave New York,
Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago...

- Just look at her.
- Excuse me.

What's going on here? Take your
makeup off. I'll be back in just a minute.

Bill, what is this? What's she singing?
Who told her to switch that number?

She's supposed to sing
"The Wedding of the Lily and the Rose."

- Who told her to switch that number?
- I don't know.

You don't know!
Bring down that curtain! When she finishes
the chorus pull out the houselights.

Wait a second. See how that song goes.
- The song is gone. Pull out the lights.
- Don't do it, Charlie.

Say, who does she think she is? Who
does she think is running this theater?

The only reason I put her on was
because the dog act got drunk.

- It'll be all right in the morning.
- She was your idea.

- And a very good idea too.
- Now I know who got the dog act drunk.

Who, me? Why I've never been
in a saloon in my life.

Now look at that. Could you ask
for anything more than that?
