Yankee Doodle Dandy

Well, good luck, boys.
You forgot your manuscript. Say, before
we sign up with Dietz & Goff...

...I made some change in
the lyric of "Yankee Doodle."

- "Yankee Doodle"?
- You shouldn't have. It was perfect.

You'll like this.
It gives the number added value.

- May I listen a little?
- Think we should?

- Well, I don't know.
- Lf you promise to be quiet.

- I promise.
- All right. Come on.

- There's a piano in the private room.
- "Yankee Doodle." "Yankee Doodle."

- Yankee Doodle Candy.
- Dandy. "Yankee Doodle Dandy."

Yankee Doodle Candy.
Thank you. Yankee Doodle Candy.

I have heard enough.
I will never forgive you for trying
to pawn a forest fire on me...

...when you had that musical.
- Yes, but we gave our word to Dietz.

I can't understand it. Why is Dietz's wife's
money better than my wife's money?

Must you give it to Dietz & Goff?
Must you give it?

Well, I don't know. I like Dietz,
but I'm not too fond of Goff.

I'm crazy about Goff but
haven't got any use for Dietz.

Gentlemen, you are in perfect agreement.
- I will give you a check to bind the deal.
- Here.
