Hotel Acuna, please.
- What's his name?
- Eduardo Acuna. He's the big boss.
- Here's his office.
- Oh, thanks.
Oh, boy.
I'll get you later. Thanks.
I absolutely, positively
cannot interrupt Mr. Acuna.
He is busy.
Sorry, those are my orders.
Please don't blame me.
- When he's free, I'd like to see him.
- I ask myself the same question.
Why see Mr. Acuna when there are so
many pleasant people they could see?
Tell him Robert Davis
of New York is here.
- Robert Davis.
- Yes?
Mr. Robert Davis of New York
to see you, Mr. Acuna.
I never heard of him.
Tell him to go away.
Well, I must say, I'm used to
more cordiality than that.
He's making a big mistake.
Mr. Davis, you impress me.
What did you want to see him about?
- I only asked you a civil question.
- And I answered you.
- You don't mind if I wait?
- No, but it won't do you any good.
That's very nice. The wedding dress
and the lingerie, I approve.
You may go, and thank you.
Well, darling,
what's been going on here?
Eduardo had a slight disagreement
with Delfina about Julia's trousseau...
...so now he's picking out
one himself.
It's my invariable rule to distrust
women's taste in clothes.
That's why he asked me to come by.
First time I heard of a father
selecting a trousseau.
You know as well as I do that women
dress for one another, not for men.
Delfina's mother put her in fluff
when I married her.