Maria's as old-fashioned
as a hoop skirt.
Ridiculous! I know my own daughter.
You think you know
your own daughter.
I know there's something wrong.
She hasn't fallen in love
since she was 15...
...when she got starry-eyed about
that silly knight on a white horse.
- Lochinvar?
- Yes.
You'd think she'd have outgrown
a tin hero by now.
She's probably waiting
for a myth to come to life.
Oh, nonsense! Will you stop thinking
of Maria as a child? She's a woman.
I know women. They all fall in love
with an illusion. I'll get her over that.
Will you leave Maria alone
and stop worrying?
Someday, a man will come along
who will stir her imagination.
By doing something
more romantic than the others.
Such as?
Well, perhaps by sending her flowers
from an "unknown admirer"...
...intriguing her
with just the right kind of note.
Fernando! Get the two most
beautiful orchids you can find.
Bring them here for a note
to be attached.
Eduardo, don't you meddle with this.
If I don't do something,
she'll get hurt.
I won't stand by and let her waste the
best years of her life chasing knights.
Have you gone crazy?
You can't manufacture romance.
I'll create an unknown admirer
and see what happens.
I'll use my left hand
to disguise my writing. Clever?
You think you have the answer
for everything.
What if she falls in love
with your imaginary lover?
Don't worry. If the orchids
and notes intrigue her...
...l'll furnish the young man myself.
She'll never know the difference.
Dearly beloved...
Eduardo, I'm warning you.