- 920, please.
- All right.
When I've signed those papers,
I'll ask him.
You're a very sweet papa.
Oh, and I'll have to hurry.
I've only got three hours to dress.
Bye, sweets.
- Why did you have to tell him off?
- Don't worry, he'll come around.
Oh, you don't know him.
You know, Acuna is the most
opinionated man in South America.
I'll show you.
See that nose?
That nose shows opinionation.
His ears indicate mulishness.
His forehead slopes like a tin roof.
- No intellect whatsoever.
- What about his chin?
Oh, his chin clearly indicates
weakness of character.
Handlebar moustache,
no sense of humour.
His droopy eyelids
indicate he's a dope.
Very flattering, Cugat.
- Oh, Mr. Acuna.
- The Sky Room is going to miss you.
In the meanwhile,
I will speak to Mr. Davis alone.
Sure, sure.
Will you excuse me, please?
Mr. Davis, I find myself
in an embarrassing position.
Think nothing of it, sir.
We all make mistakes.
- When do I start dancing?
- You do not start dancing.
- Didn't you come to see about...?
- One of my daughters.
The one you so gallantly referred to
as the "inside of a refrigerator."