You Were Never Lovelier

- I'd say Maria's falling in love.
- We'd miss her if she left.

We'd be willing to make the sacrifice
for her happiness.

Thanks. It's been so nice.
- Leaving so soon, Mr. Davis?
- Yes.

But I hate to.
- Good night.
- Good night.

- Thanks a lot.
- Oh, you're very welcome.

Will you three stop interfering
with Maria's life?

Will you leave that to me?
- Oh, Maria!
- Oh, Maria!

- Isn't he just wonderful?
- How'd you make out?

The first time in my life I ever
really wanted a man to kiss me...

...and he had something else to do.
But the next time,
it's going to be different.

Eduardo, did you hear that?
- Hi, Fernie.
- Oh, no. Over my dead body.

- I'm not going to get fired again today.
- Must you clutter up the doorway?

- You betrayed me last night.
- Me? How?

By deliberately concealing
your true and obnoxious nature...

...and making yourself be charming.
- I did not.

Maybe there is insanity
in the female branch of the family.

They've conceived
a misguided affection for you.

- They think I'm in love with Maria.
- The mention of love between you...

...makes my flesh creep.
How you can be the father of such
a lovely girl absolutely amazes me.

- I resent that remark.
- I resent how you butt into her life.

But you have absolutely
no right to resent anything.

Mr. Acuna, I've arranged to fly back
to New York by the next plane.

- You've what?
- You can tear up that contract.

- I've decided to beat it.
- Oh, you have? Just like that?

Yes, sir, I'm going to dump
your entire asinine predicament...

...right back into your lap.
Oh, I see. You want them to think
that I forced you to leave.

Isn't that exactly what you're doing?
You want Maria to think you're a
martyr, sacrificed on the altar of love.

That idiotic statement didn't come
from your wife's side of the family.

Mr. Davis, you signed
a binding contract with me.

You'll stay here,
or I'll file an injunction.

- Yesterday, you wanted...
- That was before...

...your hideous display of charm
last night. Now I have a new plan.
