You will live up to your contract
in the Sky Room...
...but you will keep away from Maria.
- Is that supposed to be brilliant?
That will let her know that you
merely used her to get the contract.
Naturally, then, she will loathe you.
That's just dandy. Then what?
Then, to show you how little
you've meant to her...
...she will immediately fall in love
with a more acceptable young man.
One of many whom I will invite
to my home in the immediate future.
- You think she'll fall in love quickly?
- Mr. Davis...
...I have an instinct about emotional
responses of the feminine heart.
Don't you think
I ought to explain to Maria that...?
- Why, I thought perhaps...
- No.
Our mutual aim
is that she loathe you, isn't it?
I guess so.
- I was just thinking...
- No.
You do the dancing,
I'll do the thinking.
Fernando, in making out the guest list
for the wedding anniversary ball...
... I wanna include the most
outstanding and charming men...
... who have ever been guests
in my home.
Yes, sir.
Wait a minute!
I thought I discharged you yesterday!
Mrs. Acuna told me to forgive
your display of temper, so I have.
I forgive you, Mr. Acuna.
Oh, thank you very much.
Not at all, sir.
I'll prepare the list.
"Mr. And Mrs. Acuna request
the pleasure of your company...
...at the 25th anniversary
of their wedding.
Fancy dress."
I can't believe
it's been 25 years, Delfina.
That's because
you aren't married to Eduardo.
I might have been
if you hadn't seen him first.
- Where's Maria?
- Tennis lesson.
But her mind isn't on the ball.
She's still trying to figure out why
Mr. Davis didn't kiss her, I guess.
- Oh, hello, Fernando.
- Good afternoon, Lita...
...Mrs. Acuna, Castro, Cecy.