Fine, listen.
If that ain't a new high
for gratitude.
Who practically mothers
all the guys on this ship?
I do.
Who bends over a hot stove
all day long for you guys?
I do.
Who's going to get all the glory
when you sink a Jap ship?
You! That's who.
Who's gonna get the medals
from this war? You guys!
And what am I going to get? Nothing but
varicose veins and dishwater hands!
Open it! Open it!
What have you got? Open it.
Gee, guys.
You shouldn't have done it.
Lookouts to the bridge.
Keep your eyes peeled, kid.
All submarines look alike.
We're nobody's friend.
Even our ships will shoot first
and ask questions afterward.
He listens to you like you were
a tin god.
- Look pretty snappy today, captain.
- You know, Christmas.
- Coffee, sir.
- Thank you.
- All clear starboard.
- All clear port.
You fellas know me.
I'm no highbrow.
When I come home, if there's
any grand opera playing...
...the whole Connors family goes
down there twice a week.
Don't ask me why, but to me, it's like
going down in a sub.
You shove off,
go deep under the sea.