I had an A in chemistry,
so they made me a pharmacist's mate.
Ain't it wonderful what
an education will do?
When I got out of third grade,
I took a job at Coney Island.
- Frying hot dogs.
- You should have stuck to hot dogs.
Where's that half-baked barber?
You finishing college
when the war's over?
Yep. Putting my pay
and a half in war bonds.
Working my way
through college underwater.
Pills, if anything happened
to us while we're out on patrol...
...if we got conked off, you figure
we'd see our folks in the hereafter?
I wouldn't bank on it.
My old man wouldn't be overjoyed to see
me. He never thought I was much good.
- I like to think we got souls...
- I don't know.
All those guys I cut up at school,
never found a soul inside.
Well, what does that prove, Pills?
Say you trust a guy.
You can't see the trust,
but it's there.
- I'm from Missouri, Mike.
- I'm not exactly religious.
- But don't you think God...
- No, I don't.
My angle is, I only believe
what I can see.
- Are you an atheist?
- Call it what you like.
The Japs turn the heat on us,
I'll watch you pray.
I've seen it happen before.
- Say, you guys know what?
- No, what?
There's something screwy
about this detour or whatever it is.
We'll know before long.
Hey, Yo Yo, mind if I use your office?
Something private.
- Sure.
- Thanks.
That's the third time
he's asked me.
Well, maybe he's writing poems.
There you are, my little scissorbill.
Get thee behind me.
Mind you, no politics, no ball games,
no hair down my neck.
Nothing but barbering.
Well, Cookie, looks like we're getting
pretty close to enemy waters.
Now, Tommy, don't go
getting yourself all worried.
Think we ought to take the hat off?
Well, don't you think we'd better?
- Clippers?
- Yes, thanks.
You see, Tommy, there's always
one of two things about a submarine.