Commence firing!
Get him smack in the teeth!
Unexploded bomb forward!
We ought to be diving.
Got six fathoms under us.
Gotta get on.
Coming in low! Get down!
Good work, Wolf!
- Is he hurt badly?
- I think so, sir.
There he goes.
If that Nip doesn't get out of there,
he'll end up with a hot seat.
I could pop him off
with a clear conscience.
He looks awful Ionesome up there.
The unexploded bomb is wedged
in the superstructure.
Let's have a look at it.
Larry, take the watch.
Pick up that Jap aviator.
I want to question him.
We'll have to bring out
the cutting torches.
No time.
I'll get your pigeon for you.
Okay, Mike.
We'll put him to roost.