Once you're in the boat, we'll submerge
and proceed north to Tokyo...
...to get the necessary information.
If all goes well, we'll return
to this position tomorrow night...
...and surface at 0130.
One of you will meet us in the boat
to get the Tokyo and Yokohama data.
We'll submerge and await completion
of your shortwave to the Hornet.
- Is that clear?
- Yes, sir.
At 0330, we'll surface again.
If you've completed your transmission
and are ready to return to the ship...
...what letter will you flash?
- C if it's clear.
- And if a Jap patrol is onshore?
- J.
Right. Then you return to cover
until the next night.
We won't respond to your signal,
but we'll be here...
...every night at the same time
until your mission is completed.
Any questions?
Vent safety. All stop.
Make another sweep, soundman.
- All clear, sir.
- Up scope.
Boat detail, stand by.
Down scope.
Douse the lights.
Douse that hatch light.