...and then we beat it.
I guess that was the biggest kick
of the year, eh, captain?
Well, it was a kick, all right.
But I think the biggest kick I got
last year happened on dry land.
Oklahoma City.
I took my little boy to the barbershop
to get his first haircut with me.
I put him up on that little board
they use for children.
I told the barber
to give him a Navy haircut.
I just sat down and watched.
My boy asked if he'd cut it so it
would drop down in front of his eyes.
He'd like to see it fall.
All the men waiting their turns
were grinning at me.
Well, my boy just sat up there,
not saying anything, just looking at me...
...very proud.
Just looking at me with his eyes warm.
It was my turn next.
My little fellow asked the barber, could
he sit on my lap while I got my haircut?
Well, the barber knew the boy and I
don't see very much of each other...
...and he said, "Sure."
So Michael climbed up on my lap.
Oh, I guess it really wasn't much...
...but after a while
he put his head back on my shoulder...
...and looked at all the men
waiting their turns and said:
"This is my daddy."
Just something in the way he said it.
But that was my biggest kick
of last year.
Captain, there's a lad forward, Tommy
Adams, with a high fever, sir, 103.
- Well, what's the matter, son?
- I got a fire in my stomach, sir.
- I'll be all right.
- You don't look too good.
- You sure picked a fine time to get sick.
- I'm sorry, sir.
Take him to my quarters.