I'll grind them. Don't worry, Pills.
I can make these things.
Let me take your book with me.
Where do you think you'll do it, Pills?
Why, I guess one of these mess tables
is best.
- All squared away?
- I think so, sir.
You may have to take the angle
off the table.
Yes, sir.
Destroyer passing aft
from port to starboard.
When she's gone,
take her to the bottom.
We're gonna operate
on one of the men.
Aye, aye, sir.
I came as near the pictures as I could.
Didn't waste time
except on the working ends.
Thanks, chief.
Give them to Cookie to boil.
Okay, doc.
- Did you find the ether?
- Yes, sir.
Good. I think I can administer it.
We'd better grease his face
against ether burns.
- Where's the stuff? I'll get it.
- In my kit. The white Vaseline.
Cookie's been working
on the ether cone, sir.
Well, here it is. It's only a tea strainer,
but I hope it'll do the work.
It should.
Tommy, when you come out of this,
you order anything you like.
Start cooking
a pumpkin pie now, Cookie.
Pumpkin pie it is, with spanked cream.
There wasn't a bug I didn't kill.
It's all sterilized, just like a hospital.
Thanks, Cookie.
Go back to your quarters.
I'll keep you informed.
Yes, sir. We'll see you, Tommy.
Course is charted, Pills.
Sounds like dead reckoning, sir.