Get going. Hurry. Hurry.
Come on. Come on.
Give that gear the deep six.
- Down the hatch, on the double.
- Come on, chief.
Pull the cork!
All ahead full. Level off at 100 feet.
Home sweet home.
Copperfin, sweetheart, I love you.
You won't run into
much interference here.
Those making the Tokyo run will have to
do some plain and fancy hedgehopping.
The weather reports from the Copperfin
are in the hands of the navigators.
The Navy has done a great job
of coordination. The rest is up to us.
Any questions?
One last reminder, fellows.
Double-check your pockets.
Make sure you have nothing on you that
would give information to the enemy.
No man taking off is to have any means
of identification whatsoever.
Who you are, where you're from
or where you're going.
When you get to China, don't get
chop suey. That's an American dish.
Good luck, happy landings,
and God bless you.
Pilots, man your planes!
I'll see that you get them back