Hola, Americano.
Hola. Hola.
Help yourself, Jordan.
- General Golz?
What an accent!
He even knows me in the dark!
That's all we have
in Spain now... accents.
Eh, Jordan?
- I was looking for you.
I saw you.
How did it go with the train?
And Kashkin?
- He caught one.
He didn't want to be taken alive.
Oh, so it was like that?
- Yes. Murder.
Orders are orders.
- I still call it murder. - Well...
in this business, Jordan, remember
nothing. Nothing except the next job.
What's next? - A bridge.
- Oh, a bridge. - Right.
To blow the bridge is nothing. But
to blow it at the time of the attack,
that's a horse of another color,
as you Americans say. - Attack?
Yes. At last we take the offensive.
Oh, it will be a beautiful attack.