But I can eat twice more.
- Get out of here! And send me Andrés!
Hola, Inglés.
How are you and the Republic?
- Good.
Both good.
- I'm happy.
What did that Gypsy say about me?
- He said you were much woman.
And I'd say he's right.
And what did you say to the girl,
before I came out? - Nothing.
I saw how she was from seeing you.
- I only joked with her. - Jokes?
Listen to me, Inglés.
She's young, not hardened as we are.
And she's had a bad time.
You understand?
Yes, I guess so.
- I'm worried about her.
When do you leave here?
- In three days. If I'm still alive.
What made you say that?
That never brings luck.
Let me see your hand.
- Nothing.
I saw nothing. What do you come for?
Blow another train?
No, a bridge.
- All the better.
Now we have horses.
Let's blow all the bridges and go!
I'm sick of this place. We are rotting
here because there's no fighting.
Only watching Pablo get drunk.
This life is ruining him.
What did you see in my hand?
- I saw nothing.
Yes, you did.
I'm only curious. I don't believe
in it. - In what do you believe?
In my work.
- I saw that. - What else?
Nothing else.
The bridge is very difficult?
- No. It is important.
But it can be very difficult?
- Yes.
I'm going to look it over again.
How many men have you got here?
Five. The Gypsy is worthless,
although his intentions are good.
Pablo, I no longer trust.
Thanks. I like your way of speaking.
- I try to speak frankly.