You, my friend,
you know I'm not a coward.
You are no woman, no fool.
Nor any colt of a girl either
that makes a man crazy with hunger.
You don't lie, make insults,
and leave me, like my people.
Yes, eat, my friend.
Pay no attention to the woman.
You know who commands.
You and me,
we'll show them who's stupid.
Not me, not you, my friend.
Get out of sight!
- German and Italian.
Can they see the horses?
- They're not looking for horses.
Man! I could see their faces!
- I spit in their faces!
I spit in the milk of their mothers!
I tell you they could see the horses.
- Wipe the sweat from your face.
They could see the cigarette butts.
- Huh?
Hey, wait! They may be back!
- Coward!