Hola, Pilar!
- Hola!
Joaquín! - María! - Tell Sordo
I'm coming with Inglés!
A good boy, Inglés.
El Sordo saved him
when his family was killed,
and now they are like father and son.
Inglés, tell me,
have you known many women?
They meant nothing.
- I think you lie.
Well, maybe... a little.
- And for this one, for María,
you care much?
- Let's get on.
What is the reason for the bridge,
Inglés? Will there be an attack?
And the airplanes this morning?
Does that mean the enemy's found out?
They're preparing a counterattack?
I only know one thing for certain.
- What? - You have to shout.
One thing is certain. The bridge
must go when the attack starts.
And to do that we've got to have
more horses and more men.
When do we blow it?
Day after tomorrow!
Why not tonight?
How do you get whiskey?
- Make it!
No, I joke.
This is good whiskey,
we got it on a raid.
No ice. Plenty ice up there.
Too far.
Easier blow the bridge tonight.
- I'd be shot for it.
Do it in daylight, we'll all be shot.