he sees you ugly, as you really are.
And he's not blind any more.
Then you see yourself
as ugly as he sees you.
And you lose your man
and your feeling.
Then one day the feeling,
that idiotic feeling that you are
beautiful, grows inside of you again.
And another man sees you
and thinks you're beautiful.
And it's all to do over again.
Now I am past it.
But it still might come again.
Lift your head,
this silliness is over.
I was only jealous of your 19 years.
It isn't a jealously that lasts.
You won't be 19 always.
You see,
I have evil thoughts, Inglés.
If I were 19, I'd take you away
from this cropped head,
even with my ugly face.
No, no, sit there. I have a surprise
for you. Close your eyes.
You too, Inglés.
No, tightly, both of you.
Pilar, wait!
- Shut up, Inglés!
I'm bored with both of you!
- Pilar!
Let her go, Roberto.
Dont you want to be alone with me?
- Of course.