Then that man's dangerous.
He ought to be behind bars.
He's a lycanthrope.
A what?
Whas that?
A man who imagines himself
to be a wolf.
Poor devil.
We should try to do
something to help him.
Well. Doctor. I think
I'll run up to Llanwelly
and find out...
You know. Inspector.
I had the very same idea.
To be able to cure this man.
I have to know who he is.
We'll go up together.
Somebody's broken
into this vault.
How long since you were
here last. Sergeant?
Not for months.
Nobody's died
in Llanwelly lately.
and nobody comes here
if he doesn't have to.
The door...
What about it?
Is broken from inside.
Here. Give me that.
Someone musve taken
the body out of the tomb.
Thas not
Lawrence Talbot.
Not Talbot?
Do you know
who this is here?
Yes. Thas Freddy Jolly.
Who's he?
Been up for vagrancy.
What would you say
he died of. Doctor?
Severed jugular.
This man bled to death.