Fort Holland.
From the gate,
it seemed strangely dreamlike.
The garden had life of its own.
I was to know all the nooks and crannies
of that great house...
to love them or hate them,
according to what happened there.
In that house,
I was to hear a strange confession...
a confession only madness could have
wrung from the lips of a sane person.
And yet it was in the same room...
with the candles lit, that I made
the discovery of my own love...
knew happiness, deep through the heart.
My room...
I still can remember my delight,
unpacking, getting ready for dinner.
Yet, all the while,
I wondered at the stillness of Fort Holland.
The fact that I saw no one
on the garden paths or in the rooms.
- Miss Connell, it's dinner.
- Thank you.
- Miss Connell?
- Yes.
I'm Wesley Rand.
Paul wanted me to introduce myself.
It seems we're dining by ourselves,
Miss Connell.
But I think I'll introduce you
to everyone anyway.
Here in the master's chair, sits the master,
my half-brother, Paul Holland.
But you've met him already.
Yes, on the boat.
That chair in the corner
is the particular property of Mrs. Rand...
mother to both of us
and much too good for either of us...
too wise, in fact,
to live under the same roof.
- She prefers the village dispensary.
- She's a doctor?
No, she just runs the place.
She does everything else, though.
An amazing woman. You'd like her.
I like her already.
That's my chair,
and this is Miss Connell, who is beautiful.
Thank you.
Who sits there?
My brother's wife.
Here, this isn't cozy at all.
Makes me seem aloof,
and I'm anything but that.