I Walked with a Zombie

What are you trying to do,
impress Miss Connell?

You would make a better impression
without whiskey.

Thank you.
You've always had such tender concern
for me and for Jessica.

- Let's drop it, Wes.
- Why?

It isn't considered polite
to quarrel before ladies.

I see, let's be reserved and gentlemanly.
You were so reserved and gentlemanly,
so polite, that night with Jessica.

- I remember...
- Wes!

Miss Connell...
I think it will be better if I had Clement
bring the rest of your dinner to your room.

I heard you playing.
I often do.
I know what you went through tonight.
I kept thinking of what you said...
that all good things died here violently.
Why did you come in here?
I don't know.
I wanted to help you.
And now that I'm here, I don't know how.
You have helped me.
I want you to know
that I'm sorry I ever brought you here.

When I thought of a nurse, I thought
of someone hard and impersonal.

I love Fort Holland.
And what you saw tonight...
two brothers set against each other...
and a woman driven mad
by her own husband...
