Betsy, tell them about the houmfort,
tell them what you saw there.
You must, Betsy,
they'll have to believe you.
Mrs. Rand was at the houmfort...
but there's nothing wrong with that.
She's gone there for years...
trying to take care of those people,
to help them.
I think I understand.
I've often talked a little voodoo
to get medicine down a patient's throat.
But it was more than that, Doctor.
I entered into their ceremonies.
I pretended I was possessed by their gods.
But what I did to Jessica...
It was when she wanted to go away
with Wesley.
That night, I went to the houmfort.
I kept seeing her face smiling
because she was beautiful enough...
to take my family in her hands
and tear it apart.
The drums, the chanting, the lights.
I heard a voice speaking
in the sudden silence...
my voice.
I was speaking to the houngan.
I was possessed.
I told him the woman
at Fort Holland was evil...
and asked him to make her a zombie.
Then what happened?
I hated myself.
On the way home,
I said over and over again...
there were no such people...
no strange drugs...
- there was no such thing as a zombie.
- You were right.
I said it, and I made myself believe it.
But when I got here,
Jessica was raging with fever.
She was raging with fever.
A fever with a long Latin name
and a bad reputation for its aftereffects...
usually some form of insanity.
Dr. Maxwell is right, Mother.
You were tricked
by your own imagination, Mrs. Rand.
But I am not an imaginative
or fanciful woman, Doctor.
As I understand it...
in order to turn a person into a zombie...
whether by poison or hocus-pocus...
you must first kill that person.
Is that right?
She was feverish. She was delirious.
But I don't remember her dying...