- I've been after her for three years.
- Three years?
Three years. Last year,
I offered the fellow 15 guineas for her.
Told him it was my rock-bottom limit.
He didn't seem to think so.
Held out for another six months.
Then the other day,
he told me he'd take it.
Was she worth waiting for all that time?
Worth it?
You never saw another one as good.
Look at her.
She's beautiful.
She doesn't seem well, Grandfather.
Nonsense. Nothing wrong with the dog.
Nothing at all.
Hynes! Where on earth
is that idiot hiding?
Coming, Your Grace.
Yes, sir, you called me?
Hynes, what's the matter with that dog?
She looks a bit off-color.
Sir, they spoil them
in them there cottages.
Treat them with a silver spoon,
as you might say.
But I'll see she gets over it.
She'll take her food kennel-way in a while.
You keep an eye on that dog, Hynes.
- Yes, sir, I will.
- You'd better.
If you don't, I'll tan your hide, my lad.
That's what I'll do.
- Yes, Your Grace.
- Come along, child.
I'll see you eat
before I'm through with you.
I'll see you eat,
if I have to shove it down your throat.