What do you say to that?
And you, sir?
To be honest, I'm in a fix.
A real fix.
Obviously, between the two of us,
on January 15th,
there was something a bit...
It presents a real moral dilemma.
You understand?
Yes, all the more so as I'm faced
with a similar moral dilemma.
I received a letter, too.
Kindly allow me to read it to you.
But of course.
"You old crook"...
It's a standard phrase.
Of course.
"You're on good terms with Germain
the abortionist. Keep it up.
You may require his services
if your daughter Jeannette
keeps spending time
in the chief physician's office.
Signed: The Raven."
What do you say to that?
These letters are nothing
but a web of slander and lies.
That's clear in my mind.
In mine, too, sir.
- Get a grip on yourself!.
- Let me sleep.
- Enough of this!
- But I'm sick!
You, sick?
I know your tricks.
You had to have all the lodgers,
except the boy scout.
And maybe him, too.
Now it's Dr. Germain's turn.
You can pick them!
He's a stuffed shirt.
I bet he's a lousy lover.
- Then why act sick?
- I'm not acting. I am sick.
I have bronchitis.
And strep throat.
True, you do look ill.
Do you have a fever?
Let's see your throat.
What's this?
A compress.
Ice water? You're not acting sick.
You're making yourself sick.
Luckily, I got that letter.
- What letter?
- This one!