His ears must've been burning today.
That'll teach him.
You think it's true?
Those things... people are saying.
It's not a subject for little girls.
Have you forgotten
when you were my age?
See who it is.
If it isn't the doctor!
Hello, Doctor.
We were just talking about you...
- Denise is ill?
- Yes, and this time for real.
You know about cupping?
- Of course.
Then take over for me.
She just loves that.
- So, finally ill!
- What if I am?
I enjoy getting sick to be treated.
- Funny girl.
- Who's funnier, you or me?
Me, surely. Because I don't respond
to the first woman's advances.
The first woman thanks you!
You know what I mean.
You mean you need to be in love
with a capital L.
No, if I was sure I loved a woman,
I'd fee even faster.
Then what keeps you
from having a good time?
Nothing much.
A ghost.
Or rather, two ghosts.
Does that hurt?
Just enough.
All I want from life is to find peace.
- You're wanted!
- Me?
I'll be right back.
Oh, it's you!
Excuse me, but when you hear
what it's about...
Come with me.
- Charming study.
- You like fine furniture?
I appreciate it from a distance.
But with the fees
our fellow citizens pay us,
we can't collect pieces like these.
You must have a large personal fortune.
- Adequate.
-Just what I was telling them.