I love you.
You don't believe me?
You think I'm a liar?
- So be it.
Listen, Rémy...
I spoke that name an entire night.
Let me use it now.
No, darling, not like that.
Stuff them with your socks.
It saves space and holds their shape.
people think you're insensitive
and infexible.
But I know you can be weak
and tender as a child.
I held that child
in my arms one night.
I've loved you since that moment.
It's as stupid as that:
I love you.
You don't even know what love is!
You're just playing a farewell scene.
- I love you, Rémy.
- The others, too?
No, I didn't love them.
Naturally, you changed overnight.
People don't change.
A decent man remains
a decent man and -
A girl remains a slut?
Maybe you're right, Doctor.
Then I pity you.
You'll always represent
what's most dismal and most alien in life.
An idiot?
A bourgeois.
Don't worry.
He's not gone yet.
- Read this when I'm gone.
- What is it?
A copy of the letter
I tore up two weeks ago.