Madame Curie

Ah. Madame Poirot.
You are Mdme. Scholoscka.
I knew it.

We've been waiting for you.
My husband has told me
all about you.

Ah. Professor Curie. How nice?
You two had met?
Have not had the honor
in the hallway.

This is Mdme. Marie Scholoscka.
professor Pierre Curie.

My husband said
you have no friends in Paris

but that's impossible, child
We must remedy that.
Please Professor...

Come in. Come in.
I'm sure you know everyone here.

In Paris
you must have many friends.

I want you to meet
all these charming...

May I introduce you to...
This is Mdme. Scholoscka...

What time?
Always hard to meet, gentlemen.

Dr. Curie
Good afternoon.
I had no idea that
it was going to be a party.

No... I believe you, monsieur.
They're pulling up suddenly
these parties

out of the goodness of
women's hearts.

My wife wishes the young student
of mine to make many friends.

Well, I... I'm very bad
at parties.

It's impossible for me to focus.
