Oh, would you please excuse me.
I feel my grandchildren are about
to entertain.
Would you care for tea?
Thank you. I've just had some.
It's coffee.
I appreciate very deeply
Dr. Curie
the privilege of working in
your laboratory.
Playing incredibly badly
don't you think?
Very badly, Dr. Curie.
Of course, I'm no judge.
Professor Poirot is an
excellent scientist.
Oh, good morning, Dr. Curie.
Good morning, David.
The furnace is taken down
and I'm beginning to set up
for room temperature readings.
I have the sulphates
all ready for you.
Thank you.
No one has arrived yet?
Here at the laboratory? Yes.
No, sir.
Are you expecting someone?
Well, a pupil of Dr. Poirot
who's going to do some work here
for a short time.
Yes, sir.
Her name is Marie Sc...
Funny, I was introduced
to her twice.