And her children come through
all the corners of the world.
They come, they are nourished
and then
they returned to their homeland
to impart what
they have instilled to others.
Pride is not deflated by
what they take away.
The whole world is in fact
enriched by what they learned.
And am proud in particular gained
more than she gives
to the very earnest students.
Professor Constance, chairman of
the committee on scholarship
has gone over all the awards
and will read the name
of the successful candidates.
It is my pleasure to introduce
Professor Constance.
The names of those who have been
awarded degrees
will be read
in the order of merit.
For the degree
the master of physics.
Marie Scholoscka.
Hello, Dr. Curie.
Oh, hello, David.
Isn't she wonderful?
First place in physics.
Did you know we have that
all that time in the laboratory?
Yes. It's very gratifying.
Here she was bright...
You haven't seen any of
Mmde. Scholoscka, have you, David?
Yes, I saw her.
Had a nice talk with her.
Congratulated her and everything.
She went straight home.
Had some packing to do.
Well, she's leaving for Poland
on Tuesday.
Good bye, Dr. Curie. Oh.
Awfully glad I run into you.
Good bye, David.
Ah! Dr. Curie.
How do you do, Professor?
Lovely, wasn't it?