I did try to explain to you
why I have to return to Poland.
I thought you've understood.
I do understand and I'm sorry.
Well, good night, my dear.
Good night, Madame Curie.
Good night, Mademoiselle.
Pierre, you shouldn't
have spoken to her like that.
She's a very obstinate girl
After all, Poland is her home.
What's that?
I'm just saying to Mother
she is a very obstinate girl.
Hmm, stubborn.
Exactly. That's what I mean.
Stubborn as they come.
Saw that the first minute
I clap her eyes on her.
Won't listen to reason.
Closes her mind like a clam.
Well, let's go to bed.
Good night, Mother.
Good night, son.
Good night, Father.
Good night, Pierre.
She's so intelligent about
other things
Good night.
Blind as a bat.
Who? Your son.