Just like what I've done
every time.
Then I placed it
in the electrometer.
And I close the case
so there is no draft.
I charged the electrometer.
Now I will find out
how much energy to raise
in the pitch blende they have
is it right?
Right. Start.
Ready. Read.
Same reading as I always had.
This pitch blende
with the uranium and the thorium
still in it comes to eight.
Now, here is pure uranium
I strike it
in the same amount of pitch blende.
This is exactly the same case
close the case
charged the electrometer
Now, we will find out
how much energy
the rays in the uranium have.
Ready. Read.
Two, same as always.
Done nothing wrong so far.
Not that I can see.
We know then that...
the pitch blende with
the uranium and thorium in it
comes to eight and that
the uranium alone reads two.
I am going to test the thorium.
From the same amount of pitch blende?
Of course, and put in exactly
the same case
close the case
charged the electrometer.
Now we find out how much energy
the rays in thorium have?
Ready. Read.
I don't understand.
There must be a mistake.
When the uranium and thoarum are
in the pitch blende
the reading is eight.
But individually
they only total four.