Kerry now had Ward Crane as a Russian
count to duel with for Philbin's affections,
and comedian Chester Conklin
to duel wits with.
In April, San Francisco got an eyeful.
Gales of laughter greeted the movie.
"The story drags to the point of nausea,"
said one critic.
The picture was pulled.
Laemmle fired the new general manager,
and entrusted Phantom's salvation
to a woman, director Lois Weber.
She supervised the cut-and-paste
of all Phantom footage.
In the preview version, Erique's soul
had been redeemed by Christine's kiss,
and he died literally of a broken heart.
Western director Sedgwick
had preferred frontier justice.
Lois Weber cut to the chase.
The Phantom of the Opera
finally opened in September,
final cost $632,000.
It was a sensation,
grossing more than $2 million.
It was one of the last hurrahs
of the silent cinema.
Then, in 1927, everything changed:
movies had found their voice.
Universal was so delighted
with the reception of The Phantom,
that naturally, when sound came in,
one of the thoughts was
"Let's do it again with sound."
The "Return of the Phantom"
was announced,
all-talking, all-singing, all-Technicolor,
but no Chaney.
The Man of a Thousand Faces resisted
becoming The Man of a Thousand Voices.