They were masterpieces. I think it was the
first time that Boris had a chance to play
an elegant man.
And when he came dressed in his tails
and his wonderful hat, he was beautiful.
Once again, audiences
were treated to the Phantom stage
and Hal Mohr's Technicolor camera work.
But Universal's hope to repeat
Phantom's success went up in flames.
The Climax didn't have the name
"Phantom of the Opera".
With that name alone you were safe.
The Climax proved more
of an anticlimax at the box office.
Following World War Il,
the Phantom lurked quietly at Universal,
unmasked again for a cameo
in William Castle's 1951 Hollywood Story.
In 1955, another
Phantom script was prepared,
again set in the gaslight era.
But the new face of fear at Universal
was the Creature from the Black Lagoon
and other modern horrors
of the fabulous Fifties.
Lon Chaney now was
the stuff of old-fashioned melodrama,
which the film story of his life became.
Damn you!
Damn you! Damn you!
Man of a Thousand Faces was a sanitised
retelling of Chaney's Hollywood story.
They love him, don't they?
The authorised version
of a very private life,
which some felt dropped the curtain
on the true backstage drama.
The son of deaf-mutes, Lon Chaney was
sensitively portrayed by James Cagney.
The film explained
Chaney's craft and fame,
but weak facsimiles of Chaney's triumphs
failed to convey
his power of accomplishment.