Phantom of the Opera

The true villain of the story
is Lord Ambrose d'Arcy,

played by Michael Gough,
who runs the opera house.

You're a delicious little thing.
Like Erique Claudin, Professor Petrie
is an impoverished musician.

This time, the theft is not imagined.
You thief!
Penniless composers are invariably
drawn to their publishers,

where only tragedies are printed.
The spiritual subtext of Gaston Leroux's
tale was never more boldly enunciated,

as this composer of divine music
finds hell, not heaven, on earth.

What the devil...?
Good evening, Lord Ambrose.
As death approaches,
the fallen angel aspires to the firmament.

I'm dying already.
But before I go,
I implore you,
allow me to finish one thing.

Let me teach you.
Let me teach you to use that
wonderful voice that God has given you.

Professor Petrie's masterwork chronicles
the martyrdom of Joan of Arc,

persecuted by Church authorities
because she claims to hear

"the voice of God".
Renounce these voices you hear.
Declare yourself a heretic.
No, I will not.
Christine also hears a voice,
that warns her of evil.

There are forces of evil
at large in the Opera tonight.

Leave the girl and go while you may.
A voice whose only desire
is to present her a divine gift.
