Phantom of the Opera

(knock at door)
(door opens)
Why don't you eat before the opera,
instead of keeping me up all hours?

You're rich enough. Same soup,
night after night, week after week.

- Please don't disturb yourself, Marie.
- You're a fine one to say that!

Why wouldn't I be disturbed?
I'll come right to the point.

What you do with your money
is not my business.

If you want to hoard it
and starve, it's your affair.

But you haven't paid me for six weeks,
and that's as long as I'm going to wait.

I haven't any money.
If you'll be patient, just a little longer...

You haven't any money? After working
for the Paris Opera all these years?

What will you do with your money?
Bury it with you?

If you do, they'll dig you up and steal it.
If you think you can add a few francs
to your fortune at my expense,

you're very much mistaken.
Marie, you've been very kind, you've been
very patient. You'll be paid, I promise you.

Now please leave me alone.
It makes me sick to think of all
that money doing nobody any good.

Either I get my money or out you go.
That's my last word, Claudin.
