But I must announce the time to Signor
Ferretti, or he'll keep students for hours.
- It's 11 o'clock, Signor Ferretti.
- Thank you.
Mademoiselle, you disappoint me.
I'm sorry. I'm a little upset.
If a man is upsetting you,
pitch him out of your life. Music is first.
- Music is everything.
- I understand.
You don't understand. Women
never understand. But they are docile.
Perhaps you're not getting enough sleep.
Come later tomorrow, say midday.
Thank you, monsieur.
Remember you have responsibilities
to others as well as yourself.
I know.
I can never repay you
for what you've done for me.
- Good day, monsieur.
- Good day.
Would you come this way, monsieur?
Monsieur Claudin is here, Signor Ferretti.
Come in, Claudin, come in.
- Won't you sit down a moment?
- Thank you.
I suppose you noticed
your protégée was disappointing today?
Well, an off day now and then.
You've done a lot for her, Signor.
Nevertheless, she is making
definite progress, eh?
I was dismissed from
the orchestra last night.
Oh. Then you will have to withdraw
your support for Mademoiselle DuBois?
Only for a little while, just until
I can secure another position.
I had hoped that you would
continue to instruct her.
Claudin, if you don't mind me
saying so, you are a fool.
A man of your age might win
a girl like Christine DuBois
if he happened to be the director of
an opera company, but a poor violinist...
We agreed never to discuss my motives.
Please, won't you continue
to work with her?
Why should I assume your burden,
after you spent all your money on her?
She means nothing to me.
But her career means
more to me than anything else.
I would never let you lose
anything on her account.