- Monsieur Daubert.
- Madame.
They call this rehearsing, monsieur.
Well, I'm sorry to intrude,
but I must see you, Christine.
- Well, you see I'm busy right now...
- Christine!
Please remember that you
are speaking to a gentleman.
Well, uh...
- Come in, Raoul.
- Rehearsals!
Anatole... Well, he's been helping me.
- Monsieur's very kind.
- Not at all, monsieur. I find it a pleasure.
- I'm Anatole Garron of the Opera.
- I'm so sorry.
This is Inspector Daubert,
of the Sûreté.
I've heard of you, Inspector.
Your work must be very exciting.
Oh, not so exciting as yours, monsieur.
It doesn't lend itself to self-expression.
I didn't recognise that
delightful song you were singing.
But as you know,
I am no connoisseur of the opera.
It's not from an opera, Raoul. It's a lullaby.
A lullaby?
It didn't seem very effective, as a lullaby.
Well, you see, Monsieur Inspector,
a song is capable of many interpretations,
- By a musician.
- By a detective, too.
Though no doubt
the detective is usually mistaken.
I must see you alone, Christine.
I'm here on business from the Sûreté.
With me?
What business could mademoiselle
have with the Sûreté?
What is it, Raoul?
If you don't mind,
I'd rather Anatole stayed.
Very well, Christine.
- You know Erique Claudin?
- Why, yes.
How well?
I knew him only as
a violinist in the orchestra.
I encountered him a few times in the foyer
or on the stage or outside
the Opera, but that's all.
He acted a little strangely, but I assumed
he was that way with everybody.
- Strangely?
How do you mean, "strangely"?
Well... I don't know.