I assure you, monsieur. The property man
swears that there was no opportunity
for any human being
to tamper with the drink.
Monsieur Inspector,
what are you waiting for?
I demand the arrest of Anatole Garron.
You know he did it.
I know nothing of the sort, madame.
I am a police officer, not a psychic.
It is my duty to collect evidence,
without prejudice.
Haven't you evidence enough?
Everyone knows...
Will you be seated, please?
Mr Garron, you had the opportunity to put
the drug in Madame Biancarolli's glass.
Certainly, Monsieur Inspector.
We all did.
- It becomes, then, a question of motive.
- The motive is very simple, monsieur.
He wanted to get me out of the way
so he could make room for that...
- Are you referring to MIle DuBois?
- I am.
You heard, Monsieur Garron.
Madame is in good voice...
and most explicit.
Have you anything to say, monsieur?
I deny madame's accusation.
Do you deny, monsieur, that you had
any motive in drugging madame?
I deny that I drugged her.
I don't understand your reluctance
to make the arrest, Inspector.
- You're not an examining magistrate.
- Can you substantiate
that Mr Garron had a motive,
and that the motive was MIle DuBois?
- Anyone with half an eye could tell you...
- Hearsay is not evidence, madame.
I'll go over your head, Monsieur Daubert.
I have influence at the Sûreté.
I was drugged tonight
to the point of death.