- Are you hurt, monsieur?
- What happened? What were you doing?
- I was chasing him.
- Chasing whom?
The murderer, of course.
There was someone else up there?
Certainly. Everyone must have seen...
You saw him yourself, didn't you?
No, monsieur. I was chasing you.
How long will the Opera
remain closed, Inspector?
- Yes, how long?
- I do not know.
- Any suspects?
- Yes, whom do you suspect?
- No one.
- What is your theory on the motive?
I am not a theorist. All I can say is that as
long as the opera house remains closed,
everyone in Paris, in all France,
will think only of the murder,
hounding us to make an arrest.
Inspector Daubert.
I came directly I got your message.
What has happened now?
Listen to this, monsieur.
"Christine DuBois must replace
Biancarolli, who ignored my warning."
I found this mysteriously placed on
my desk after we got back from supper.
There is an excellent suggestion in this,
monsieur. You must reopen the Opera.
- But your orders...
- Are countermanded. Reopen.
- With MIle DuBois, monsieur?
- Of course! It should pacify this madman.
If he doesn't harm anybody, his
being in the building doesn't matter.
- Christine DuBois must not sing.
- What?
And the murderer must
not remain in the building.
- It is my duty to apprehend him.
- I don't understand.
If Christine DuBois sings, that will satisfy
the murderer, and he may never appear.
To lure him from his hiding place,
someone else must sing.
Are you suggesting we reopen the Opera
with a murder as an added attraction?
- Please, Lecours...
- I'll post police throughout the building.
Even with the chorus onstage,
with a bodyguard for the singer.
- But, monsieur, our reputation...
- I am reluctant to do this, monsieur.
Particularly on MIle DuBois' account,
but I can see no other way.
And whom do you suggest as "bait",
Monsieur Inspector?
Whomever you decide.
Madame Lorenzi.
She has nerve, that woman.