He did everything: John Wayne westerns,
Karloff and Lugosi horror movies,
Abbott and Costello comedies,
dramas, dead-end-kid movies, musicals,
Maria Montez movies,
Francis the Talking Mule movies,
and later, in the 1960s, created Mister Ed.
This was the first A-budget picture
for producer George Waggner,
who, like Lubin, had toiled
at Monogram as a B-movie writer,
often under the pen name Joseph West.
Lubin had directed Waggner's script for
Midnight Intruder at Universal in 1938,
and Waggner got the chance
to produce, direct and write
Lon Chaney Jr's pilot horror quickie,
Man Made Monster, in 1941.
Completed for under $90,000,
Man Made Monster
and its co-feature, Horror Island,
put Waggner on the map at the studio,
with regard to quality and efficiency
on a ridiculously low budget.
Waggner was rewarded
with The Wolf Man,
and ultimately broke
the big time with Phantom.
Please note, in his filmography
the movie The Phantom Stage
is a western, and not
a dry run for the movie at hand.
Arthur Lubin had no choice
in making Phantom.
It was assigned to him-he never knew
why-but he loved the film.
Making it was a very happy occasion,
and he always felt very lucky
that he was assigned to it.
Arthur lived to be 94, and to the end
of his life, he was proud of this picture.
His assistant director was Charlie Gould,
who was Lubin's regular assistant.
This camera move,
coming off the chandelier
to reveal Edgar Barrier at the curtains,
was Gould's suggestion.
Lubin told me that Gould
was related to Ernst Laemmle,
and he was a very creative man
full of wonderful suggestions,
and that he wanted to be a director.
"He would direct me" said Lubin,
and he'd whisper to his director "It would
be better if you'd go over this way",
and suggest an alternate setup
for the camera.
Lubin was born in Los Angeles in 1901.
He was four years behind Harold Lloyd
at San Diego High School,
and Lloyd got the teenage movie-crazy
Lubin into a real movie studio,
Famous Players-Lasky,
during a summer vacation break.