A recording got to William Goetz at MGM,
and a contract followed.
Louis B Mayer wanted Susanne to play
the lead in National Velvet in the 1930s.
Ever wilful, she refused.
Claude Rains, too, grew up
in extreme poverty, in London.
"Born on the wrong side of the River
Thames" he'd tell his daughter, Jessica.
The theatre provided his way out.
The famous actor-manager
Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree
paid for young Willy Rains
to take speech lessons,
giving the lisping cockney boy
one year to lose the accent. He did.
The velvety husk of his voice
was inadvertent -
a result, Rains claimed,
of being gassed in World War I.
That voice was his most notable asset.
Rains is an actor
whom one would pay big money
to hear recite
the Manhattan phone book.
Following The Invisible Man, Rains
became the consummate character actor,
making his home at Warner Brothers with
work like The Adventures of Robin Hood,
Mr Skeffington and The Sea Hawk.
Note how Claudin commits a faux pas by
calling Miss Dubois by her first name.
Rains' playing is wonderfully tender,
how he bites his lip and looks contrite.
In the original script, Claudin was
Christine's father. She does not know this.
We'll learn more about this diverted
subplot as the picture unfolds.
Rains was much in demand
for outside pictures
such as Mr Smith Goes
to Washington and Notorious.
He had previously acted
for George Waggner in The Wolf Man,
which is surprising, in that he had turned
down in 1938 an offer from Universal
"because Rains did not like it
as it was a Frankenstein".
That's a quote from a memo
from Roy Obringer to Hal Wallis
regarding Rains' contract's
allowal of an outside picture.
If Robin Hood's Prince John
wouldn't play Wolf Frankenstein,
Robin Hood's Sheriff of Nottingham,
Basil Rathbone, would be loaned out
as the Son of Frankenstein.
Rathbone, coincidentally,
covered for Rains as the phantom