"They'd come late
in the afternoon" he said.
"'You've got one more setup to do.
Get the hell out of here!"'
One of the biggest cost savings
was Stage 28,
where the original opera-house interior
had been built for the 1925 film.
As a standing set it had serviced
scores of pictures for Universal
and as an outside rental over the years.
"All it needed" said Lubin "was painting,
new drapes, a new front curtain
and a new backstage."
At the same time that John Jacoby was
writing his treatments in the fall of 1941,
Eric Taylor was put to work preparing
a new treatment and a first-draft script.
Taylor also uses the idea of Claudin's
symphony built on a provincial lullaby -
ideas that we have to presume emerged
from the Henry Koster story conferences,
as they're common to both
the Taylor and the Jacoby work.
In Taylor's, Christine's boyfriend, Raoul,
was an inventor of phonograph records,
supplying the opera with "noises off"
via acoustical discs.
Unlike Jacoby, who had
Claudin slashed with a knife,
Taylor's Claudin was disfigured
when acid is tossed in his face.
Taylor also expanded
Koster's idea of a family.
Claudin's pursuit of music
would be "like a drug to him",
and lead him to abandon his wife
and child to starve in a Paris garret,
causing the wife to die of a broken heart.
Her sister, having told the child that
both parents were dead, raises Christine.
When Raoul learns this, he vows Christine
will never learn of the family's secret.
In an odd plot twist,
Claudin plans to flee to America
with Christine to further her career.
As the police close in on the catacombs,
Raoul gives Claudin
a pistol to commit suicide with.
"He was right about America"
Raoul tells Christine.
"For you, there is the New York Opera."
"And for me, there is a man named
Edison I might work for."
Taylor was a specialist in mysteries,
writing scores of Dick Tracy,
Crime Doctor and Ellery Queen pictures.