Phantom of the Opera

The final image is a manuscript,
Claudin's modernist symphony,

blackening and curling in the flames.
Jacoby's time line was skewed.
Les Contes d'Hoffmann
premiered at the Opéra Comique

in 1881, months after
Offenbach's death, not in 1873.

And while the Opéra Comique didn't burn,
there was a historical basis
for Jacoby's conflagration.

On December 8, 1881 in Vienna,
at the second performance
at the Ringtheater,

the theatre did burn
with a tremendous loss of life,

beginning Tales of Hoffmann's
reputation as a jinxed opera.

Time magazine's reviewer
called Phantom's sewer

"the best since Les Misérables".
In the 1880s,
where antibiotics are unknown,

one has to wonder
at Claudin's frolic in the sewage

and the effect of bacterial infection
on his festering wounds.

The directors of the opera are played
by comic supporting actor Fritz Feld

and the rather bulky character actor
J Edward Bromberg.

Bromberg was born in Hungary
and came to America as a boy.

He first appeared on stage in 1926
at the Provincetown Theatre,

and from 1927 to 1930
he played opposite Eva LeGallienne
at the New York City Repertory.

In Hollywood he made
a career playing villains

in pictures like Charlie Chan on
Broadway and Mr Moto Takes a Chance.

At Universal, he made
a memorable Dr Lazlo,

a Van Helsing-type vampire hunter,
in Son of Dracula.

His best role at Universal
was in Robert Siodmak's Phantom Lady,

where he played the relentless,
hounding police inspector.

Bromberg, a leftist, was called before
HUAC to testify in the early '50s,

and was so rattled by the stress that
he died in December 1951 of heart failure.

Stage 28, which houses
the Phantom stage,

has seen service in the last 75 years
in scores of pictures.
