should have been nominated
for the award.
Goodman merely approved budgets and
doled out assignments to art directors.
Now, here comes Susanna's
world-famous G over high C.
And we'll rest the Alex Golitzen story
until she delivers her note.
I always love the way
that Nelson Eddy steps back,
as though he's going
to be shattered by that note.
We were talking about Alex Golitzen
and his Oscar for Phantom.
Through some oversight,
Golitzen alone was nominated.
And Golitzen alone,
for the art department, won,
causing a great deal of consternation with
Goodman and the Universal management.
An attempt was made to lobby the
Academy to get Goodman an Oscar too.
It was too late, said the Academy. Nothing
they could do, after the fact, about it.
The award was shared -
by Russell Gausman and Ira Webb
for their set decoration.
The Climax, Phantom's follow-up,
was in production at the time
of the Academy Awards.
The nominated Phantom personnel
were released from shooting to attend.
Phantom won for art direction
and colour cinematography,
awarded to Mohr and Greene.
It was also nominated
for sound recording and musical score.
In fact, both Variety
and The Hollywood Reporter
remarked on the extraordinary quality
of Phantom's sound
and suggested that there would be
a nomination awaiting it.
Phantom utilised the Western Electric
Variable Density sound system.
In this process, the sound recording was
made on 35mm black-and-white film -
optical sound, where a photoelectric cell
exposed, through a slit,
the modulations
carried from the microphone.
The other major system in Hollywood
was variable area.
The variable-area system was
a high-contrast white-on-black line