Phantom of the Opera

Lipscomb's script was set
in contemporary Paris.

The conductor of the opera
is found murdered,

and in his hands is left a manuscript,
"Thine is the Glory".

A remark is made
by those reading the music

that it appears to have been written
by a soul in torment.

Soon we meet
a mysterious music master.

He wears a mask and tells Christine,
a young singer,

that it is a terrible scar
left by the war, which no one must see.

The war, of course, is World War I.
Christine tells her music master
that her family is Swedish,
and therefore very superstitious.

Before his death, her father had told her of
the "angel of music" that he would send,

necessary to her becoming
an accomplished singer.

Her voice is fairly mediocre,
and the master explains

that her voice needs
to come from another world.

She's a very modern girl in modern Paris,
and of course she has
a modern boyfriend, Raoul.

She pursues Raoul through the streets
of Paris, losing him in a store,

where she mistakenly approaches
an underwear-clad male mannequin

to ask where her beloved has gone.
If that's not silly enough, she and Raoul
have a rendezvous at a Parisian café

which has a small café orchestra, where
a banter song between the two of them

goes back and forth, full of risqué lyrics.
The opera being staged
is Gounod's Faust,

and the music master explains
to Christine that he had always hoped

there would be someone like her,
someone to be the Marguerite to his Faust

and save him from himself.
The music master explains to her
the horrors of the First World War.

"They made a killer of me,
the most sensitive creature in the world,

the kindest man, who would
not even kill an insect!"

"Yet one day I found myself
in battle on the great attack,

killing, killing, killing my fellow men!"
"I remember looking
into the face of one man."

"He was a boy, very young."
