Shadow of a Doubt

We Just sort of go along and
nothing happens. We're in a terrible rut.

It's been on my mind for months.
What's going to be our future?

Oh, come now, Charlie.
Things aren't as bad as that.

- The bank gave me a raise last January.
- Money.

How can you talk about money
when I'm talking about souls?

We eat and sleep and that's about all.
We don't even have
any real conversations.

- We just talk.
- And work.

Yes. Poor Mother. She works like a dog.
- Just like a dog.
- Where is she ?

She's out. When she comes back,
it'll be the same thing.

Dinner, then dishes, then bed.
I don't see how she stands it.

You know,
she's really a wonderful woman.

I mean, she's not Just a mother. And
I think we ought to do something for her.

- Don ' t you think we should ?
- Yeah. What were you thinking of?

Oh, nothing, I suppose.
I guess we'll Just have to wait
for a miracle or something.

Oh, now, Charlie, you're right.
Absolutely right.

- I'll figure out some way -
- I don't believe in good intentions now.

- All I'm waiting for now is a miracle.
- Oh, Charlie.

Those back stairs are steep.
What's the matter, Charlie?
What's the matter, Joe?

- Well, it seems that, uh -
- Oh, I've become a nagging old maid.

You went downtown in that awful old
hat you'd promised you'd throw away.

(Ann) - Mama.
- Darling, does it matter what hat I wear?

(Ann) - Mama .
- Why do you let that child yell at you?

- If she -
- I'm going downstairs, anyway.

Joe, what were you
both talking about when l came in?

Something about a miracle.
(Joe) Oh, it's nothing.
Charlie ' s a bit under the weather.

(Woman) Oh. Well, she ' ll be all right.
Well, come on, dear. Let's go
downstairs. No use standing here.

I'm going to get myself a bottle of beer.
Mother, I'm going downtown
and send a telegram.

Why, darling, who do you know
to send a telegram to?

I know a wonderful person who'll come
and stir us up. Just the one to save us.

What do you mean, "save us"?
All this time, there's been
one right person to save us.
