(Joe) Emmy, how's he look?
Same old Charles, eh?
Roger, Ann, get these other bags.
(Joe) You have Charlie's room
right here at the head of the stairs.
Emmy wanted to move Ann, but Charlie
thought you'd be more comfortable here.
(Ann) Come on, Roger.
- Ah-ah! Don't put the hat on the bed.
- Superstitious, Joe?
No, but I don't believe in inviting trouble.
It wasn't the biggest yacht in the world,
but it had a fireplace in the library
and the bar was panelled
in bleached mahogany.
You pushed a button and...
What am I talking about? That's all over.
Let's talk about you.
that's the prettiest dress I ever saw.
I think so, too. (Emmy Giggles)
Why, Charles, don't you remember?
Remember? Remember what?
- Why, Uncle Charlie, you sent it to me.
- I did?
Well, say, I've been sitting here
all this time forgetting something.
Ann. Roger. (Family Gasping)
- Look at that. Oh, dear now.
- Joe. Don't know whether you had one.
You didn't have to think of me, Charles.
Presents for the children are alright.
Say... I've never had a wristwatch.
Fellows at the bank'll think
I'm quite a sport.
l have two for you, Emmy.
One old and one new.
(Emmy) Oh, Charles. What is it?